Venho apresentar os 2 últimos Collab´s contribuídos pela Ilonka´s Scrapbook Designs. O primeiro, estará disponível por partes na loja Digital Crea. No final você terá esse collab maravilhoso, com o tema super romântico.
I hereby present the last 2 Collab's contributed by Ilonka's Scrapbook Designs. The first will be available by the parties at Digital Crea store. At the end you will have this wonderful collab with the super romantic theme.
Aqui a primeira parte desse lindo Collab. Só clicar na imagem pra ir direto ao link da loja, lembrando que essa parte será por tempo limitado.
Here the first part of this beautiful Collab. Just click on the image to go directly to the store link, noting that this part is for a limited time.
Collab Vintage Valentine at Digital Crea
Photo: Me and Oseas
Collab Vintage Valentine at Digital Crea
Photo: Me and Oseas
E esse lindo collab feito pela loja, e o melhor dele é que esse collab foi feito para as crianças das escolas tibetanas de Taski Lhunpo e todos os lucros serão doados diretamente á eles. Você pode visitear o site ( ) para se informar mais, ou acessar no Facebook e procurar por "Les Amis du Tibet".
And this beautiful collab made by the store, and the best of it is that this collab was made for children of Tibetan schools of Taski Lhunpo and all profits will be donated directly to them. You can visitear website ( to learn more, or access to Facebook and search for "Les Amis du Tibet".
And this beautiful collab made by the store, and the best of it is that this collab was made for children of Tibetan schools of Taski Lhunpo and all profits will be donated directly to them. You can visitear website ( to learn more, or access to Facebook and search for "Les Amis du Tibet".
Travel Around The World, Cjarity Collab
at Digiscrapbooking Boutique
Fonte Echinos Park Scr.ipt
Fotos: Me
Travel Around The World, Cjarity Collab
at Digiscrapbooking Boutique
Fonte Echinos Park Scr.ipt
Fotos: Me
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Beijos e muito sucesso amiga!!!